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NSAD124x: 24-bit, Delta-Sigma(Δ-Σ), Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs)

AG旗舰厅 (中国大陆) 有限公司官网>

The NSAD1249/NSAD1248/NSAD1247/NSAD1246 are low power, low noise, 24-bit, delta-sigma(Δ-Σ), analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The device contains a cpacitive programmable gain amplifier (cpacitive PGA), with gains of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128, which allows to achieve rail-to-rail common-mode input range for all gains. These ADCs feature configurable digital filters with low-latency conversion and can achieve 50 Hz and 60 Hz simultaneous rejections.

The NSAD124x family have high level of integration. The device integrates a high accuracy, low-drift, 2.048-V bandgap reference, two independent programmable excitation current sources (IDACs) which allow for RTD excitation. supports up to 12 inputs that can be connected to PGA in any combination for design flexibility. In addition, these devices include features such as sensor burn-out detection, biasing voltage for thermocouple, reference monitor, PGA rail detection circuits, internal temperature sensor and up to 8 general-purpose I/Os.

Product Features

Integrated capacitive PGA with programmable gain (1 to 128), achieves rail-to-rail input range for all gains

SINC3 and low-latency (single cycle settling) filter options

Simultaneous 50Hz and 60Hz rejection at data rate 2.5Hz, 5Hz, 10Hz, 20Hz in low-latency filter option

Two independent internal excitation current source with range 10uA to 2000uA

Internal 2.048V bandgap reference with ±0.02% initial accuracy and 3 ppm/°C temperature drift

Internal 4.096MHz oscillator with ±1% Accuracy

Internal Temperature Sensor with ±1% accuracy

System monitors and fault detection circuits

Self offfset and system calibration

Up to 8 general-purpose I/Os

SPI interface with optional CRC

Analog Supply: Unipolar (3~5 V) or Bipolar (±1.5~±2.5 V)

Digital Supply: 3 V to 3.6 V


Temperature measurement (RTD, Thermocouples)

Pressure measurement

Factory Automation and Industrial process control


AG旗舰厅 (中国大陆) 有限公司官网>

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